SANAD Relay Centre
It is a communication system initiated by the CDA through an application that can be downloaded on PCs or smart devices and that offers the following services :
Communication service: enabling people with hearing disability or speech difficulties to communicate with persons or entities in the community to receive the service they need in their daily life . Often persons with hearing and speech disabilities cannot communicate by telephone because the person they are calling cannot understand their speech. With SANAD Relay centre, a CDA sign language specialist will serve as a communication assistant and connect the person with disability with the person he needs using the communication channel that works best for him ( text message, or sign language via video call ). For example , a person with hearing disability can now directly communicate with his doctor through the communication services of SANAD Relay Centre.
Consultation service : answering queries addressed by people with disability and their families and providing them with the needed information and guidance by specialists from the CDA about the available services in the community , as well as the rights, laws and regulations related to the people with disability.
Objectives :
With the launch of SANAD Relay Centre, CDA aims to achieve the following :
Empowerment of people with disability
Establishment of a governmental local centre as a reference and focal point for the people with disability and their families
Advocacy and support for the rights of people with disability.